What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of how the eyes can reveal information about your health. The iris, which is the colorful part of the eye, along with the pupil, holds important clues about the state of your body's organs and tissues. The optic nerves transmit this information to the brain, which in turn provides insights about your health back to your eyes. Each iris has its own unique color and pattern of fibers, which can indicate weaknesses in the body. By closely examining these variations, iridologists can assess overall body strength and even offer insights into your personality. It's important to note that iridology is not a treatment itself, but it is a valuable tool for prevention. By analyzing the iris, iridologists can identify potential health problems early on, empowering you to actively prevent illness and maintain wellness. However, it's essential to understand that iridology does not diagnose diseases, as that is the role of qualified medical professionals.

"The Eye Is The Window To Your Soul"


"The Eye Is The Window To Your Soul" -

What does an Iridology consultation look like?

If you are interested in scheduling an Iridology appointment but are unsure about what to expect, rest assured that the entire process is both efficient and hassle-free. Regardless of where you currently stand on your health journey, it is always fascinating to witness the revealing insights that your eyes can provide. Initially, we'll engage in a brief conversation to determine your current health status. Following that, we will take photographs of your eyes. Afterwards, I will carefully examine your eyes and compile a personalized eye report that correlates with the information your eye reveals. This report will be conveniently emailed to you. Within its pages, you will discover not only dietary and lifestyle recommendations, but also an abundance of valuable insights about your well-being. Should you require additional nutrition or other forms of guidance and support in your journey forward, follow-up consultations are available,

If you are unable to see me in person, online iridology appointments are now available. Take your eye photo’s at home and email them to me.

Instructions for taking your Iris Pictures. Remove glasses or contacts.

1: Have someone take your photo’s for you or use a tripod.

2: Use a room with natural daytime light.

3: Set your camera/phone to macro mode if available. Sometimes having the flash on take’s clearer pictures. Just have a play around.

4: Open your eye’s wide so the whole Iris is visible as much as possible. You may find it helpful to hold the upper and lower eyelids open using your fingers.

5: If there is any glare on the Iris, turn your body slighty away from any window.

Upload the best shot of each eye. You will receive your eye report within 1-4 weeks. The amount of detail in your report will depend on the quality of the photos.

Here is a video to watch on another option of taking eye photo’s.